Thursday, October 4, 2012

Entry #4

October 4'rth, Thursday

Traveling is actually a more boring business than it sounds right off the bat. At least for me. The wolf and I just walk. And walk. And walk some more. It all consists of walking. It exhausts me. The autumn leaves are beautiful though. I'll watch them as they flutter to the ground in graceful arcs like faeries. I haven't actually seen a faerie yet. I'm looking forward to it, as they usually hide deep in woods like these away from the populace. They're shy, as I understand it.

Today was a moderate day. We just walked. Granny's house is farther away than I could've ever imagined. Mostly the only thing that needs mentioning is the fact that I met a family of three bears today. They were very accommodating. Get this, they live in a cottage. We're staying the night here. At the moment I'm extremely glad mama sent me on this journey. I don't believe she sent me to really give my granny a basket of treats. I think it was mostly for an adventure, though truthfully, I don't really know. My mother can be especially flamboyant, but her real talent lies in hush-hush of secrecy. The bears gave me porridge that smelled heavenly. I ate it in record time. They offered some to the wolf, but he refused. I can hardly say I'm surprised; I've never seen him eat anything. Now come to think on it, I don't know what he eats. Now I want to know.

After the porridge I was super sleepy and they led me upstairs to a small, secluded room separate from the large one they all sleep in. Baby bear is as big as I am. He seems shy, though. At the wooden dinner table he kept glancing up and down again at me. Papa and Mama bear kept sneaking looks at the wolf, too. The wolf just growled. He's sleeping on the floor next to me. I wonder what's got him so. Ever since we entered the cottage he's been in a foul mood. Black. I asked him about it, but he just turned his head away from me and ignored me. As usual. Ah, well, I'm tired of thinking. A sweet smell of raspberries is coming in through the window and I feel incredibly tired listening to the lull of the wind-chimes outside. I think I might want some wind-chimes outside my house when I grow up and have children. What am I saying? I'm so tired...

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