Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Entry #17

October 17'th, Wednesday

We were walking down the pathway when I saw a rather beaten up pocket watch on the ground. As I was about to pick it up, though, a furry white paw reached and grabbed it quicker than me. I looked up at the owner of the invading hand, and a large white rabbit wearing a vest stared down at me. "This is my watch, thank you very much." He said, and when he looked at it: "OH, DEAREST! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!"  He practically screamed this so that I had to hold my ears. Before I could ask if he was somehow related to Peter Rabbit, he took off in such a scurry and dust puffed up and got in my eyes. I never knew before now that there were such an abundance of talking rabbits around. The world really is full of possibilities! But meeting with another one might be tiring.

I think we are coming into a more populated area in the wood. I see more things and people traveling every day. Horses and such things and gypsy wagons. I like to see them. A man traveling with an old cow asked me if I had anything to trade for three beans. I didn't, of course. In the distance I could see a humongous plant that towered in the sky, but it disappeared by evening. I really wonder where that came from. There's another of them, actually. I can see one to my far far left. It looks like a giant pea plant, though, while the other looked like a bean plant. I wonder if it's possible it sprouted from that huge pea we saw that almost crushed us. That would make sense. Things are so weird here. Different than I could ever imagine.

I can still feel that calm before the storm staring me in the back of the head. So it wasn't today, was it? But it will sure be soon, won't it? It's like a death head. We're sleeping outside again. Things have been getting more riled up. I can tell when I look at the people(though not all of them are 'human'). They seem worried, and most of them travel in the opposite direction than us. I think we might be headed for danger, but that could just be my paranoid sense talking again. It perks up at times. We're sleeping outside again. I thought I could hear some random singing in the distance, but that could've just been my imagination. Tomorrow, again.

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