Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Entry #2

October 2'nd, Tuesday

I woke up this morning without so much as a kink or sore in my body. Those funny little beds really are comfortable. After a small breakfast of oatmeal was served, I asked Doc(the one with the glasses) if there was any such luck to find a guide. He looked blank for a second, but he soon brightened up again(like dwarfs tend to do with their eyes) and told me about one of their neighbor friends that might help. The wolf, yes?

All of the dwarfs led me to a large apple tree together. I was struck by the apple tree, which gave an incredible sense of ill-brooding, and towered above the other trees so much to make itself seem almost like a green sky-scraper full of red polka-dots littering the sky like dark Christmas lights on a Halloween night. I could tell just by looking at it that this was where the bad apple that hit Miss Snow badly in the stomach had its origin. The apple's themselves were beautiful, and looking at them I kept remembering involuntarily the word 'vampire'. The monsters were like that, after all. Beautiful on the outside, rotten inwards. A bit like my school teacher back home.

I was so enthralled by the tree that I didn't notice the ginormous shape underneath it until it moved. The wolf had been lying asleep underneath a blanket sewn of autumn leaves, and rose its head out of it when a twig snapped underneath my foolish feet. It gave me a nasty fright; his head is nearly as big as a heavy oak door! The dwarfs all immediately kneeled, even Grumpy did, and Doc asked whether he would accept 'babysitting' me or not. I felt entirely ridiculous; standing there in front of this magnificent beast asking such an idiotic thing of him. The wolf had to bend down to peer at me. This was even worse because his eyes were entirely black and it felt as though he was staring into my very soul. It was like I was frozen. But to my amazement, he agreed. The dwarfs all let out a sigh of relief, and they left me there with a single "goodbye!" and promptly scampered off. I practically felt abandoned.

The wolf dug out of his leaf cover and gave me a silver bow and arrow quiver with his teeth. "If you're traveling with me, then you must be able to protect yourself. Don't expect me to do that for you." I stared dumbly at him. "Shoot at least fifty apples from the tree by the end of the day, or I'm not taking you." He finished. I watched him as he nestled back into his leaves and fell back asleep.

And that's how I spent my day. Shooting poisonous apples off one giant tree with poisonous glares towards them and the relaxing beast. I managed to do it though. I've had a few lessons in archery by a few people near my town here and there. Still, not very consistent lessons. I probably missed over two-thirds the shots I made. And the worst part was that I only had twenty-four arrows; I had to climb up, over, and down to get them back. I have plenty of scratches and bruises riddling my body. At the end of the day I must have been so exhausted that I simply fell asleep near the wolf without even any dinner. And that was simply one more day in my tiring life.

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