Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Entry #24

October 24'th, Wednesday

Almost getting married on a Wednesday is almost ironic. I always thought that 'Wednesday' sounded like 'Wedding', so a 'Wednesday Wedding' is just like a big joke. Well, it almost happened, seriously. The next day marriage thing is getting a little too old-fashioned to be even the slightest romantic anymore. And no way would I have married that chibi geezer. I would have run away, and kept on running until the breath went out of me, and I fell to the earth as stones would. Thank goodness I didn't have to. I now know what Fenrir's plan was, and it's a good thing I stuck through with it even though I hadn't a slightest clue what it was. But a few surprises came with it. Right when I was being led up to the altar by a man called 'Robin Hood' (I think he was pretending to be my father-who died according to mama-, but he smelled somewhat familiar.) it was literally the last second until Fenrir did something. And what he did was strange. He leaped out of my hair(rat form) and scrambled away under the church benches. At the time they dropped the "Anyone who objects to this marriage" line, a boy my age with hair the color of Fenrir's fur popped up. "Yes, I object!" he shouted. The large audience looked shocked, and my mother turned white in the face. You simply don't object a marriage the 'Queen' arranges. She'll chop your head off. Fenrir grabbed my hand, and we ran out the doorway. From behind me, I could see Peter and Jack talking to the 'Queen' and holding something like an apple with a stick through it. I was told what that was later. It was one of the apples I shot from that 'bad apple' tree when I first met Fenrir. They forced the 'Queen' to eat it. Actually, they say that my arrows have some strange powers. I don't know what to think of that. I wasn't able to see mama go back to her own contrary self, though. I still don't know the entire story.

Jack and Peter met up with us, running for all they were worth, with a battle ground of cards coming after us. Since I was the slowest in that stupid dragging dress, Fenrir turned back into his own wolf self(I'm more comfortable with this one) and I actually got on his large back and rode on him. Actually it wasn't really 'riding'. It was more like hanging on for dear life. We were eventually saved by Barnabas the giant, who was searching for us the entire time we had been lost from sight when they took us in our sleep. He is a truly honorable character. That huge tuxedo suit. He ran us all the way to the pea plant, but when we got there, we realized we would have to say goodbye. The 'Queen's' started work of the 'cloud' harvesting could not be continued. Even if mama had already been changed back, there was no guarantee the work would be stopped. People would still be able to get up there and harvest against order. The only choice would be to chop down the pea stock. It was hard for all of us, to fancy that we would never see Barnabas again, but it was hardest on Jack. He had known him longer than us. After Barnabas had climbed to his home, Jack personally hacked it down himself with an axe. It took forever. That Pea Plant can hold a giant, so something that large around, well, I sweated just watching him. The people and card guards that were up there came down during that time, warned by Barnabas. He truly has a heart of gold. Jack went home to his mother. We're sleeping outside.

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