Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Entry #31

October 31'st, Wednesday

We arrived at my mothers 'castle' this morning, right when I woke up on the largest goat's back. They carried me because I was feeling a little sick, and too tired to move so early. I usually feel like that lately. I notice it disappears when I eat an apple, though. There was a small, controlled chaos that ruled when I arrived. My mama rushed out in her nightgown, and the people outside gawked at her as she rushed down and gave me a crunching hug. She was all disheveled. She was my mama again. But she had been stressed out by refunding Rumpelstiltskin. She had to give different deals, and etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, and finally she's done. My marriage refusal had caused a huge riff, but ha ha, it should, shouldn't it? She's having a huge feast and a party to celebrate the debt-free life, and my return(though I never knew my house was a castle). I miss my old home more, but there is precious little I can do about it. Except complain, which is one of my favorite activities to do in my head, where no one can ever hear me. She's inviting practically the whole forest, and creatures, people, and everyone else from out of town. It's going to be one huge headache of a party. My feet are looking forward to it.

I helped with all the decorations, folding a thousand paper cranes, hanging tea-cup chandeliers, magicking floating fire roses, and pasting shiny sequins on all surfaces, including dolls that are alive. It was the most strangest, beautiful, and confusing array of things that I've ever seen. My feelings mixed all around when I saw it, like a painful stomach ache in the heart. Almost like what I feel when I think about Fenrir. Everything is so confusing.

When the party started at seven in the evening, everything was incredible. My mama came out with her army of cakes, and the smell was so overpowering, that some large ladies actually swooned. That's my mama for you. A million creatures were there. Some of which I recognized from my journey, and some who I didn't. I saw the dwarves, snow white, the three bears(!), Gretal, Hansel, and Wendy with her entourage. I even saw Jack and Goldilocks(Bridget) dancing. I was about to go over to try to talk to them, but I soon lost sight of them in the million flowing colors in the dark. Most people were wearing masks, as this was a sort of 'masqurade' party/ ball thing, and that made it even harder to locate anybody I knew, let alone see. I think I saw the cow leap over the moon, once, though, and not everyone was necessarily on the ground. Plenty were flying and dancing in the air. It was really amazing. I barely have enough words for it. I saw a large, talking nutcracker, which sticks in my mind because it was so unusual. There was one boy who was shouting "Wolf!" over and over again, and I watched him intently, just as everyone else was ignoring him. At one point, I fingered the burnt spangle from the ballerina in my pocket, and decided it was no longer necessary to keep it, when it wasn't true. So I threw it into the fire roses, and they burst up into shiny fireworks that spread far, far above our heads in giant blooming chemical flowers. While I was watching them, someone grabbed my hand, and without warning led me into dance. A boy about my age, with sandy colored hair, a green mask hiding his eyes. We swung around in circles, and from behind his shoulder, I saw Peter chasing Miss Bird. I suddenly knew who this was in front of me. The boy leaned forward suddenly, and with a whirling sensation in my stomach, ......... kissed me. 

From the pocket watch I put on my necklace, I heard a subtle 'tick'.

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