Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Entry #10

October 10'th, Wednesday

Today was uneventful. I'm unused to that, since the past few days have been hectic. It felt strange to simply be walking again. My legs are a little weak, and only from three days! Imagine if I had been Hansel; he had been there far longer than I had. It felt good to be able to stretch out. Enormously good. But I was faced with another dilemma. How was I going to bring up the questions I had been flipping over ever since yesterday? How did the wolf shape-shift into my arrow? How did he get there? And, finally, what is 'Fenrisulfr'? The wolf had been sulking all day, so I got the general idea that he knew it was coming. I probably didn't want the answer to my questions, despite my curiosity. So I didn't say anything in the end.

An army of rats passed us on the road while we were heading back to the river. The witch had transferred me all the way back several miles. I could feel annoyance catching up with me despite my unnatural calm disposition. Anyway, these rats were following some melody I couldn't quite see the source of. It sounded like a pipe, but I could be wrong. These rats felt like waves running over my feet, and looked like them too. They fairly climbed trees, jumping from one to the next because there wasn't enough room on the ground. They gave the wolf a large berth, though. He was growling ferociously in displeasure. I almost felt myself move involuntarily to the almost unhearable melody, which was a discomfort, but the wolf pushed me over into the dirt with his paw, and I was snapped out of it. I was covered in dust though. When we finally reached the river, all the rats had disappeared, though I think I saw a few lumps floating down the current. I think I'll ignore that for now. I hiked upstream a little bit and took the first wash I've had in ten days. I was filthy. The dirt practically rolled off me.

When I got back to the campfire(first one we've ever had), the wolf had caught a fish for me. I don't know if that was meant as an apology or a thank-you for silence, but I smiled at it all the same. When I started to gut it and cut it open, though, there was a beautiful(but rather guppy) tin soldier with only one leg. I stared at it for several minutes while my delicious fish cooked on the fire. A wonderful little statue in a blue war coat and hat. He could stand upright despite only having one leg. I was positively enraptured by it. Though he smells of fish, I have put him in my arrow bag along with this book, just for safe keeping. I'd like to find where he belongs. I have a feeling he has a life somewhere else, and I want to get him there.

It's cold tonight. I think I'll try to get the wolf to share that red blanket made of autumn leaves with me. It seems to appear and disappear at his will. It seems thin, but it keeps you really warm. Judging by the wolfs cuddly looks whenever he sleeps in it, that is. I'm freezing. The stars are really bright, though. I love the constellations. 

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