Monday, October 1, 2012

Entry #1

October 1'st, Monday

Today mama sent me out of the house with a basket full of apple and cherry pie, raspberry filled doughnuts, pink-frosted cupcakes, and jam smeared cookies. I must tell you, it made my mouth water. She sent me on a mission to my granny's house as a delivery girl, under strict orders not to even think about opening the flap to the basket. Well, we shall see about that a little farther down the road. I have never met my grandma before, so I wasn't exactly disheartened to have to go see her, but traveling in the woods for several days all alone makes me anxious a bit. I have a paper map drawn out by mama, but you should never underestimate my horrible sense of direction. I've managed to get lost from our front door to the mailbox, and that was in full daylight. I'm going to have to sleep in the woods for several nights in a row. It's a little scary to think about it.

I didn't meet anyone on the road today, though I did notice some bread crumbs scattered about on the ground. What a curious thing to do. Was whoever dropping them trying to lead the birds somewhere? They were certainly eating them though. There was a whole gazillion of them, pecking and squawking at each other. I had to watch them for a while, since the variety was so entirely different among them. I saw a phoenix, a small red hen, another hen with an acorn stuck on it's head, a very large goose, a beautiful swan, pigeons, turtledoves, a blue bird, and all manner of ordinary birds that make one happy to see them. It was a spectacle. When night came on the wood was dark with shadows, and it scared me half to death to be walking out there by myself. I kept hearing sounds that never revealed themselves. Luckily, I came upon a funny little hut that housed seven little dwarfs with funny little names. They're letting me stay with them for the night. Apparently there used to be another pretty lady that lived here, but she died after eating a bad apple, and is in a glass casket somewhere out there in the forest. I wonder if I'll see it on the way. I would like to see her, but I'm still not too keen on what she might smell like. And dead bodies never mixed with me.
I'll be setting out tomorrow, hopefully with some new food and a kind of guide.

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