Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Entry #3

October 3'rd, Wednesday

Woke up this morning....had a huge headache. The wolf grumbled at me and we started down the trail as I ate my meager breakfast; an apple(from a different tree). I had my bow slung over my shoulders, along with my quiver, and the treats I was trusted with. I personally don't think they'll be that great tasting anymore after several days like this. What was mama thinking?

Being with the wolf is incredibly awkward; after all, he's just always silent unless he finds something that displeases him. And when he does, he doesn't talk, he just growls. I'm still half-way afraid of him, but the other half disappeared when today he rushed after a rabbit for his lunch. He came back empty pawed, and I thought nothing of it until later in the evening. I was literally starving, and we came to rest wordlessly on a small little corner of the path where there was a log to sit on. With a feeling of finality, I opened the flap to my basket to eat some of the sweets. Piled on top of the sweet stuff, there was a bunch of vegetables and fruit. I was surprised, where in the world did they come from? Who managed to sneak them into my basket without myself even noticing it? I glanced around uncomfortably, and noticed a small fluff ball in the brush next to me. I pinched it, and a small "eep!" exploded into the vacant conversation. It was a small cream-colored rabbit.
It could talk.

I suppose I shouldn't have been as shocked as I was at this. I mean, didn't I have a giant speaking wolf traveling with me right at that moment? Yes, I did, but somehow the wolf didn't feel like an animal despite all this. It was almost like he was a magnificent person in a large, furry coat. This rabbit felt like an entirely new phenomena altogether. I watched as it climbed into my lap and pointed its nose in the direction of the 'mostly-carrots' basket. "For you," it said with watery eyes at being pinched. It was so cute. "Why?" I asked. Peter(that was his name) swung his perfect-sized head in the direction of the wolf(who was watching with mild annoyance), and pulled down my ear. "The king caught me today, but let me go when I cried. So I wanted to do something to show my thanks, but he's scary, so I chose you instead. It seemed like you were with him anyways." The wolf growled, and Peter gave one single terrified look and bolted away. It felt like my whole heart was wrenched away. It was so cute.

I had a pretty easy supper, although it was all produce. The wolf was sulking the entire time; I could see it in his shoulders. It made me laugh because it reminded me so much of my uncle Gep when he couldn't fix a toy that had snapped, or something. I'm afraid my happy manner made the wolf sulk even more. What a funny character he is. We're spending the night under the stars again.

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