Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Entry #31

October 31'st, Wednesday

We arrived at my mothers 'castle' this morning, right when I woke up on the largest goat's back. They carried me because I was feeling a little sick, and too tired to move so early. I usually feel like that lately. I notice it disappears when I eat an apple, though. There was a small, controlled chaos that ruled when I arrived. My mama rushed out in her nightgown, and the people outside gawked at her as she rushed down and gave me a crunching hug. She was all disheveled. She was my mama again. But she had been stressed out by refunding Rumpelstiltskin. She had to give different deals, and etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, and finally she's done. My marriage refusal had caused a huge riff, but ha ha, it should, shouldn't it? She's having a huge feast and a party to celebrate the debt-free life, and my return(though I never knew my house was a castle). I miss my old home more, but there is precious little I can do about it. Except complain, which is one of my favorite activities to do in my head, where no one can ever hear me. She's inviting practically the whole forest, and creatures, people, and everyone else from out of town. It's going to be one huge headache of a party. My feet are looking forward to it.

I helped with all the decorations, folding a thousand paper cranes, hanging tea-cup chandeliers, magicking floating fire roses, and pasting shiny sequins on all surfaces, including dolls that are alive. It was the most strangest, beautiful, and confusing array of things that I've ever seen. My feelings mixed all around when I saw it, like a painful stomach ache in the heart. Almost like what I feel when I think about Fenrir. Everything is so confusing.

When the party started at seven in the evening, everything was incredible. My mama came out with her army of cakes, and the smell was so overpowering, that some large ladies actually swooned. That's my mama for you. A million creatures were there. Some of which I recognized from my journey, and some who I didn't. I saw the dwarves, snow white, the three bears(!), Gretal, Hansel, and Wendy with her entourage. I even saw Jack and Goldilocks(Bridget) dancing. I was about to go over to try to talk to them, but I soon lost sight of them in the million flowing colors in the dark. Most people were wearing masks, as this was a sort of 'masqurade' party/ ball thing, and that made it even harder to locate anybody I knew, let alone see. I think I saw the cow leap over the moon, once, though, and not everyone was necessarily on the ground. Plenty were flying and dancing in the air. It was really amazing. I barely have enough words for it. I saw a large, talking nutcracker, which sticks in my mind because it was so unusual. There was one boy who was shouting "Wolf!" over and over again, and I watched him intently, just as everyone else was ignoring him. At one point, I fingered the burnt spangle from the ballerina in my pocket, and decided it was no longer necessary to keep it, when it wasn't true. So I threw it into the fire roses, and they burst up into shiny fireworks that spread far, far above our heads in giant blooming chemical flowers. While I was watching them, someone grabbed my hand, and without warning led me into dance. A boy about my age, with sandy colored hair, a green mask hiding his eyes. We swung around in circles, and from behind his shoulder, I saw Peter chasing Miss Bird. I suddenly knew who this was in front of me. The boy leaned forward suddenly, and with a whirling sensation in my stomach, ......... kissed me. 

From the pocket watch I put on my necklace, I heard a subtle 'tick'.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Entry #30

October 30'th, Tuesday

I was freezing cold, and that was how I woke up; shivering. It's not a good way, but it's surely effective. I trudged through some frosted over autumn leaves, covering over like garnish on top of the blanket of red. I confess, that made me remember a little bit of Fenrir. I think I might even miss him. Something might be wrong with me.

I almost walked right past this small girl I met. She was covered in nothing but a small scrapped tan dress. I talked to her for a little bit, and I found out she came from a poor family, and was sitting on the practically abandoned path to sell some matches. She wouldn't come across anyone from here, and she seemed so cold, that I was sad. I didn't even have any money to buy them from her. So instead, I gave her the tin heart. It seemed the only thing. She seemed happy with it, though. I wonder if she's ever gotten a gift in her entire life, to be pleased with that sort of thing. But we tried lighting the matches, and when we put it under one of them, it burst into flame. It was practically a bonfire. It burned up, though. I doubt there is anything remaining. But if it helped her, then it should be fine. I'm happy with that.

I passed a bridge, and on the other side was three goats. They were all serene with their tails flipping back and forth in bliss as they ate the green grass in harmony. I talked to them, and learned that my mothers 'castle' is over in less than a days walk. They offered to take me there. I agreed. I suppose I'll have to see her eventually. We stopped a few miles short, and are staying outside tonight. My travel partners are all strange, and usually are not human. Well, that's that, I suppose.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Entry #29

October 29'th, Monday

This morning at breakfast, we were sitting down at the table, and when I looked about at the shelves attached to the wall, I realized what I saw. Above the fireplace was a delicate paper statue of a beautiful ballerina standing on one foot. I pulled out the one-legged tin soldier, and realized that this was where he belonged; right next to that paper ballerina. I asked the woodcutters wife, and she said it was fine, so I stood him right next to her over the shelf of the fireplace. He really did belong there, and if you looked closely, the tin soldiers face seemed as though it smiled, though that could just be my fancy. But I'd like to believe it.

I walked back to the place where Baba's house was, but when I arrived there, it was gone. The only thing left was an implantation of chicken feet. It had moved. I had planned on apologizing to them, but it seems I might not even be able to see them again. I felt lost, and tramped my feet back to the woodcutters house. But when I got there,  I found that the tin soldier and the ballerina had fallen into the fire. The only thing left of them was a melted tin heart shape, and some black spangle from the ballerina. The woodcutter told me to take them with me, that they might lead me somewhere. So I put the remains in my bag. They remind me of my situation with Fenrir. And I headed out, not really having any destination. I think I might go check on my mother, but who knows? I feel light like feathers on this path that belongs to me.

On the way I met the egg again. But this time, I stopped and talked to him. His name is 'Humpty Dumpty', and he is quite an eccentric gentleman. We had a conversation about life and how strange it was. "Why," he said, "just a few days ago I was sitting on top of a wall fishing for a watch! I have to deliver it to someone. Life leads you places you thought you would never go." We then started talking about time. When I told him "I think I've lost my time," he handed me the pocket watch. "Then you are the person I am to deliver this to." he said. "This watch has stopped, like you. Perhaps you can get it to move again." The watch is indeed stopped. Perhaps from being in the river flow. I accepted it, and we soon parted ways after that. So now I have a tin heart, black spangle, and a pocket watch that has stopped moving. I like to fancy that it all represents me. The heart thrown into fire, the glimmer of life that is gone to me, and my time who has stopped moving. What am I to do with this?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Entry #28

October 28'th, Sunday

I woke up to a cold boot to my face. It was a woodsman with an axe. He gave me quite a scare at first, but he helped me to my feet, and shared his breakfast(bread and cheese) with me. He chops wood for a living, and when I took a look at his hands, they were callused and strong all over. You can see the immortal power in this mans face, etched into every part of his body. He was probably in his forties, though maybe a bit older than that. I attempted to help him during his work, but I think it was just him putting up with my lame antics. In any case, it put my mind off of yesterday. He offered to give me a place to stay for the night, and I agreed. He has a pretty little house off in a little field part of the immense wood. I didn't think it would, but it has flowers all over. It's like a dream. The cuteness of the house is due to his wife, I think. She was there, and she is a dear little creature, completely the opposite of the woodsman. Gentleness beamed all out of her like a thick-frosting aura. Watching them interact was interesting, because they knew each other so well, it was almost like they were mind-reading.

We talked at dinner. I told them my story. They are the sort of people I can trust, if I think about it. They looked at each other, and the woodsman told me to reconsider the case with Fenrir, because I didn't know everything that was in him. Which is true. I still have a million questions. I'm just afraid to see his face again. I feel better after talking, though. It no longer seems so bad. I need to know why and how he killed me, though. Perhaps I can work something out. I feel a little bad now, leaving so abruptly. They must be worried. And I didn't even put in any thought for Peter. What I need now is not more mysteries, I need answers. Things still don't make sense. I shall have do something tomorrow, after a good night's sleep. Where am I to go now?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Entry #27

October 27'th, Saturday

Breakfast at Baba's was mushrooms. It seems I'm eating the same things as when I'm on the road; apples and Scarlet Hood mushrooms. My Grandmother is actually poor despite her fearsome outlook on life. I wondered about how my mother was/is a 'Queen', and she seemed not to be, it just didn't make sense. So when I asked her she reluctantly answered that she simply made herself one. The card soldiers and castle whatnot are all fabricated from her magic. My mother is a witch. My Grandmother is a witch. I come from a long line of witches. I am a witch myself. "Witches of Flame" Baba said. Obviously a current of questions followed, where I ultimately asked about Bridget.
"Bridget is your cousin, not your sister. She holds a different sort of magic" She said.
It was silent for a second, "But then who's her mother?" I asked.
The pretty blond Fairy-Godmother looked guilty.
"You!" I cried.
She later explained that she did not have time to raise a daughter, no matter how much she wanted to, and that she didn't think witchery would be a good way to bring her up. I don't know what to think about all this. Except, that my aunt did indeed have blond hair like 'Goldilocks', though it wasn't curly. I have the same red hair as my mother.

"What does 'Witches of Flame" mean?" I asked.
"Enough with your questions! Every one makes me age a year." I took a look at Baba's ashen face, and to my surprise, it really did look older than it was. Aqua(my aunt) hurried inside the house and later brought out some Blue Rose Tea. When Baba sipped it, she relaxed in her chair and looked younger again. "Why is your time limited like that?" I asked.
"Another question, but alright." She said looking relaxed. "Witches are immortal. There are certain ways you can kill them, but usually they live on infinitely."(I wanted to ask a question here, but she stopped me) "But because the world needs a balance, a system was brought in. Certain things make us age, and only certain things can reverse that process. Like questions and tea, with myself." She took another sip of her tea. She took a look at my questioning face "Yes, you are immortal Anne, I dare say you've been alive longer than you've thought you have. And no, the Gingerbread witch you defeated was not from a true witch line, therefore you could kill her. Yes, the certain thing that ages us can kill us eventually, but only when it ages you to an extent you can't use magic. And no, the 'certain thing' that ages and changes us back is not the same as mine. Every witches is different, so you will have to find it out for yourself. A witch starts using magic when she has already died once, therefore she is immortal. The thing that kills her is usually the thing that reverses the age process, so yes, Anne, you have already died." I can only imagine what my face looked like at that moment. "Try to remember Anne, what was the thing that killed you?"

I couldn't remember. I excused myself from the outside tea table, and tried to take a nap (as that usually helps me when I'm overwhelmed and bad things reveal themselves) but I couldn't fall asleep. So I just laid there until dusk came, staring up at the ceiling. I'm immortal? I'm already dead? I'm a witch? This is all just a jumble in my head, and it all creates a black hole in my stomach that swirls around uncomfortably. When I finally crept out of my borrowed bedroom, I heard voices in the garden coming in from the open window. It was Fenrir and Baba.
"Never thought I'd see you again." Baba.
"Nor did I wish to." Fenrir.
Baba: "Is that spell working the way it should?"
Fenrir: "Yes, but the transformation is bothersome. The Ribbon is still attached, though I can move around. My powers are hindered with it still there."
Baba: "Serves you right, giving in to a deal like that. If I was such an idiot, I would've killed myself! Have you found a way to remove it completely?"
Fenrir: "No, as you have seen."
Baba: "But I see you have made an attempt to. You're the one that killed her aren't you, Anne I mean."
Baba: "You thought that if you ate her, you could consume her undeveloped fire power and burn the Ribbon off completely."
Fenrir: "....It didn't work out that way."
Baba: "Yes, yes, I know. You didn't eat her. But why decide that after you already killed her?"

I couldn't listen anymore.

Running back to the bedroom, I grabbed my bow and arrows, everything else I owned, and ran out the back door. They didn't see me go. I ran as far as I could into the wood, and finally collapsed onto the grass of a meadow. It was dark by that time. I was a mess; snobby nose running all over, mixing with my field of tears. I just sat there crying for a time. I don't know what to do anymore. Everything is a mix up. I thought I could trust Fenrir. But it turns out I can't trust anyone, not even my own mother. He killed me. When, how? I didn't even notice. How stupid am I? Not to even notice that I was already dead. I really am all alone in this world. The tears of the moon are the stars.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Entry #26

October 26'th, Friday

Sleeping in a carriage is really something you shouldn't do, especially when it disappears at noon. You get cramps in your neck and back, and it feels like you can't get them out no matter what you do. When we arrived there, I thought we had made a mistake. A house on chicken feet stood in the midst of us. Skulls littered the yard. It gave me the most unpleasant chill, and I was entirely ready to turn around and go back, but Fenrir took one swift look and confirmed it was my granny's house. I had no choice then. But when we tried to walk to the door, it suddenly seemed on the other side, and we couldn't get through. "Turn your back to the forest, and your front to me," Fenrir said to it. The door revealed itself. I asked him how he knew to say that, and he just said that he once had business with the Baba. But I couldn't even wonder about what that business was, because a pretty blond lady with fairy wings on her back came flying through and almost killed me with the collision. "Help! Help!" she cried.  Bewildered, I watched as an incredibly old lady with a face like withered paper stretched over a skull came out and stood in the doorway, staring down hard at the pretty blond lady who had tears on her face. She was incredibly scary. She was nothing what I ever imagined her to be like; my granny. No, not granny. Grandmother. A person like her is definitely a 'Grandmother' over 'granny'. That's the feeling I get from her.

Whilst we were drinking an interesting blue tea(made out of blue roses, I hear), I figured out who the blond lady was, a bit more of who my Grandmother is. The blond lady is a Fairy-Godmother, a helper of her related daughters, and gives them a solution to some of their problems when things get tough. She's the one who sent the pumpkin carriage(well, at Baba Yaga's command). My Grandmother knew we were coming. That was the first surprise. And the second was that she is a witch- one you might not want to work with either. She. is. dangerous. And the third surprise was that I was sent there as snack for her. She eats children. What was my mother up to!? But she decided not to eat me for some reason I am eternally grateful for. But I still can't believe she would eat her own kin. I am still her granddaughter. She's like the gingerbread witch, but possibly a lot worse. Fenrir nodded to her as though they had had a hard time before, and she just scowled when she saw his face. I wonder what it was about. And she set us to work. I think I washed over two hundred dishes. My hands are blistered, are as Peter's and Fenrir's, though Fenrir can shape-shift. I am so exhausted at the end of the day, that when I fall onto the bed we're borrowing for the night I'm going to pass out immediately. That's right, we're staying here. We're sleeping here. It's scary and crazy, but we are. According to Fenrir, Baba never goes back on her word. I need to prepare for tomorrow.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Entry #25

October 25'th, Thursday

I hate change, normally. But if change becomes my new 'normal' than it would be sure I would hate to stay unchanging. I remember the warmth of Fenrir's hand yesterday when we rushed out of that chapel. It was really warm and comforting. I really wonder what he's hiding. Lately I've become more curious than ever. It almost feels like I'm a witches cat. How can he shape-shift? And that thing the Gingerbread Witch said when she saw him... ? I really don't know. But when I think about it, there's all these mysteries surrounding myself as well. Exactly when did I acquire sealing powers? Was it when I first met Fenrir and succeeded in his strange ritual of shooting fifty apples off that 'bad apple' tree? Actually, I should've wondered about that. But how does that work, really? Everything is in a giant, unsolvable puzzle with the individual pieces scattered here and there, even hiding under things. Even if change becomes my 'normal', I can get tired.

Technically, we don't know where to go anymore. We've traveled the vast majority of the wood(now that we took a look at a map), and we haven't even come across a snippet of information, or a glance of my granny. So after just wandering around, I walked into a gate, and the Cheshire Cat appeared there. "Remember me?" he said. Of course I remembered him. You tend to remember Cats that grin and turn invisible. And I told him so. We cast a few words back and forth at each-other, and he really is my god of direction control. He's like a fortune teller. "A pumpkin will roll in down the next road with Autumn leaves. Get in it and it will take you to your grandmother." And he disappeared again. Great, no matter how many times I see that, I will always end up appalled. But he was right. A pumpkin, right? Yes, a pumpkin carriage. The surprises never end. Drawn by some strange looking horses, but no matter! We jumped in anyways! Fenrir is sleeping on the roof, while Peter and I are inside having idle conversation. I asked him about his obsession with Fenrir, and 'Miss' Bird(Peter's bird) fluttered about here and there singing songs. All he said was that he tried to catch him and couldn't. As a punishment, his grandfather sent him out to fulfill this 'quest' , and wouldn't let him come home until he did. Not that it seemed to bother him much when I looked closely at his face. He seemed he enjoyed this funny sort-of journey. Well, I guess I do too, a little bit, at least. Ha ha. But if Peter was a knight, I think he would be a good one. Even braving his fear of heights for something like that. Well, you know. The carriage isn't stopping, and I'm falling asleep with the falling darkness. So goodbye to the world of reality for now. Hello world of Dreams!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Entry #24

October 24'th, Wednesday

Almost getting married on a Wednesday is almost ironic. I always thought that 'Wednesday' sounded like 'Wedding', so a 'Wednesday Wedding' is just like a big joke. Well, it almost happened, seriously. The next day marriage thing is getting a little too old-fashioned to be even the slightest romantic anymore. And no way would I have married that chibi geezer. I would have run away, and kept on running until the breath went out of me, and I fell to the earth as stones would. Thank goodness I didn't have to. I now know what Fenrir's plan was, and it's a good thing I stuck through with it even though I hadn't a slightest clue what it was. But a few surprises came with it. Right when I was being led up to the altar by a man called 'Robin Hood' (I think he was pretending to be my father-who died according to mama-, but he smelled somewhat familiar.) it was literally the last second until Fenrir did something. And what he did was strange. He leaped out of my hair(rat form) and scrambled away under the church benches. At the time they dropped the "Anyone who objects to this marriage" line, a boy my age with hair the color of Fenrir's fur popped up. "Yes, I object!" he shouted. The large audience looked shocked, and my mother turned white in the face. You simply don't object a marriage the 'Queen' arranges. She'll chop your head off. Fenrir grabbed my hand, and we ran out the doorway. From behind me, I could see Peter and Jack talking to the 'Queen' and holding something like an apple with a stick through it. I was told what that was later. It was one of the apples I shot from that 'bad apple' tree when I first met Fenrir. They forced the 'Queen' to eat it. Actually, they say that my arrows have some strange powers. I don't know what to think of that. I wasn't able to see mama go back to her own contrary self, though. I still don't know the entire story.

Jack and Peter met up with us, running for all they were worth, with a battle ground of cards coming after us. Since I was the slowest in that stupid dragging dress, Fenrir turned back into his own wolf self(I'm more comfortable with this one) and I actually got on his large back and rode on him. Actually it wasn't really 'riding'. It was more like hanging on for dear life. We were eventually saved by Barnabas the giant, who was searching for us the entire time we had been lost from sight when they took us in our sleep. He is a truly honorable character. That huge tuxedo suit. He ran us all the way to the pea plant, but when we got there, we realized we would have to say goodbye. The 'Queen's' started work of the 'cloud' harvesting could not be continued. Even if mama had already been changed back, there was no guarantee the work would be stopped. People would still be able to get up there and harvest against order. The only choice would be to chop down the pea stock. It was hard for all of us, to fancy that we would never see Barnabas again, but it was hardest on Jack. He had known him longer than us. After Barnabas had climbed to his home, Jack personally hacked it down himself with an axe. It took forever. That Pea Plant can hold a giant, so something that large around, well, I sweated just watching him. The people and card guards that were up there came down during that time, warned by Barnabas. He truly has a heart of gold. Jack went home to his mother. We're sleeping outside.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Entry #23

October 23'rd, Tuesday

I woke up to a rat scratching my face. It scared the blood out of my toes. But it turns out it was Fenrir, in his shape-shifting talent that comes in handy. I'm a bit envious of that power, I admit. I asked him why he couldn't just shape himself into the jail keys, but he answered that stealth was sometimes better than freedom. Peter and Jack are still in their cages. He left them there, knowing that if he let them out they would just cause trouble. That's Fenrir all over. I asked him how we could help my mama, and he said something mentioning a plan, but before he could give me the details, my 'lady-in-waiting' walked in. Fenrir hid in my hair, which has been let down from their normal braids. It feels weird to me. I think the length has gotten a bit longer, too. And the folds in the dresses I have to wear feel like a million pounds. I went along with him in my hair to morning breakfast, and another entire brigade of books waited on the study desk after that. Fenrir literally took a nap bunched up like that in my hair like it was some kind of nest. I hope nobody saw him, though they all seemed pretty oblivious. He wouldn't reveal anything more about the 'plan' to me, though he had plenty of chances to. He always has to seem so mysterious, that it constantly bugs me.

At evening the 'Queen' called me into the throne room, where she sat on that red cushion like a bag of potatoes. She smiled at me(I hate that smile) and waved her queenly staff. A short, skinny little man with a stubbly shaved chin, greasy hair, and a mischievous ill-boding face who looked to be in his late forties popped up from behind the throne(what in the heck was he doing there?). I didn't like the look of him straight off. And then 'Queen' announced my betrothal to this man. I think I could've committed suicide right at that moment. Fenrir stirred in my hair. The 'Queen' and 'Rumpelstiltskin' (the foul-smelling mans name) smiled out at me with pumpkin grins. I think I felt something close the loathing at that time. And the reason(as miss 'Queen' said later) was because she made a deal with him trading me for a way to get to the clouds where the giants roamed. This gets worse and worse. Somehow we have to stop this all. The "plan" is taking place tomorrow. Apparently, this betrothal complicates things according to Fenrir. I'll say it complicates things. The only comfort is the bouncy bed. I think I cried a few tears onto the pillow. Fenrir changed back to a wolf; shape-shifting takes magical power, and it doesn't last forever. Well, I'm glad he's with me for now.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Entry #22

October 22'th, Monday

I'm in a furnished room dressed like a princess. I think I've lost track of what's going on. Yesterday feels like it was just a dream. If I remember we met the Queen.......and she was my mother. Mary. The Red Queen. "Bloody Mary". Mary, Mary, quite Contrary. Things are getting out of hand. Fenrir, Peter, and Jack are all locked in the dungeon. I don't know what to do. My mothers acting strange. I don't know what's wrong with her. To everyone she just says "Off with their head!" Something is dearly wrong. Right before Fenrir and the others got hauled off by another deck of cards, he gave me a word. "Apple." What does that even mean? I think it's important somehow, but exactly how? I'm stuck in this pink bedroom befuddled with jewels in the walls that make it overly too bright and makes my head hurt. I'm tripping all over in this stupid frilly dress they're making me wear. I really don't know what's going on anymore! From what I know, my mothers no 'Queen', nor am I any overly sick-spilling swooning 'Princess'. This is just rich. How am I supposed to get out of this situation? I want to get Fenrir and the others out, but I want to help my mother too! Well, the food actually isn't too bad, but I'm just overly sick of everything else! My mother is not my 'mama' anymore, but some overly doting, cruel to a spike, and controlling freak! I'm....scared of her. She's not herself anymore.

So far all I've done today is balance books on my head, practice curtsying over and over and over again, speaking with a french tongue twister, and study a million books. I'm so tired. I haven't found a single opportunity to sneak down to speak with Fenrir either. The Queen is keeping her dibs on me. She told me he was evil and had murdered people; that he would've eaten me too. I shall never believe her! I need to find a way to get Fenrir and the rest out of there, and quickly. I overheard the Queen talking about beheading them. I need to do something. Fast.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Entry #20

October 20'th, Saturday

We found Jack. That large building-like thing that we saw yesterday. It is a prison. A very large prison. We were arrested by the same cards we saw yesterday, except this time they were wearing weight leg shackles to keep them to the ground. We just went willingly. This is the second time I've been locked up in some dank, dark, and cold place. Blegh, it's really not my style. Jack was in the cell a few ways down from where we were all locked in. We were able to talk to him when the cards with the spears weren't there. He said he was arrested by this Queen. The Queen had some factories up here to gather cloud. Apparently what they would do would create pillows with it and make a fortune off of each one. It wasn't a good thing, though, because it meant the cloud slowly disappearing much like melting ice. It wouldn't hold his friends the giants. When he resisted, they arrested him. We were just sitting there a few hours later, debating what to do, when the whole prison shook and the roof was lifted off by a giant hand. A giant really is huge. Jack and us got out by Barnabas' strength alone. A pack of cards would stand no chance for him. Barnabas picked us all up and out, and I found out what it was like to ride on a giant's shoulder. It's beautiful. Everything stretched out below us like a map. I felt like I could go anywhere. A giant's voice is like a distant rumble of the earth, so sometimes it was hard to hear him, but he really quite the gentleman. I like him. Peter was hiding in his shirt pocket the entire time, though. It must've been torture. Jack was whooping and screaming for joy. Peter's bird was swooping around and around. Fenrir simply sat on Barnabas' head and took a nap in his hair. Despite what usually goes around giants are actually really clean. And they dress really well. Barnabas was in a tuxedo, and that was just his informal wear! I wonder where they get their resources though.

We stayed like that for a few hours, and I was able to watch dusk come on a giants shoulder. The wind blew constantly and ruffled my hair into an eternal red-headed cotton ball. It's the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my lifetime. A waterfall ran off the side of one cloud we saw, and disappeared into mist before it hit the ground eternities below. Off the side of the cloud I was able to see how large the forest of Jarnvior really is(my last name is named after it). It stretches seemingly forever. Like an ocean of green. There were a million mountains fringed in its autumn colors. Lakes reflected the sunset. It really was beautiful.

We finally stopped at Barnabas' house. It is ginormous. I will never be able to describe it to you. The dining table and chair towered centuries above us. How that works, I shall never know. Our dinner was a few "crumbs" of a humongous loaf of bread and a few other things mixed in with it. Did you know Barnabas is a bachelor? That's why he goes around wearing a tuxedo all the time. Giants are pretty rare, and if you happen to meet a female, you want to impress her as much as possible. Reminds me of birds and their funny dances. Well, we're sleeping on the table. Barnabas brought in a few 'scraps' of cloth for us to sleep on. We plan to see this 'Queen' tomorrow and see what she's all about. Jack decided to go with us before going home. I mentioned his mother, and he rolled his eyes in exasperation. I wonder what a clingy mother is like? My mother is the complete opposite. She sends us on expeditions as strange and dangerous as this without batting an eyelash. Well, that's what she's always been like, so I'm used to it I guess. This is my first journey, though. I didn't think it would be anything like this. Come to think about it, Jack reminds me of Bridget. I wonder if they would get along?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Entry #19

October 19'th, Friday

Peter's bird woke us all up by tweeting about by our heads. Fenrir growled. Peter is thankfully quiet in the mornings. Well, we all are, I guess. When I'm tired I don't feel like talking, or even thinking. We reached the Pea Plant. It didn't take an hour. Climbing it was the real hard part, though. I'm going to be sore all over by tomorrow morning. It was a bit scary, too. I slipped twice, and almost went right off if Fenrir hadn't grabbed me with his teeth at the last second. I was wet with cold-sweat by the time we finally got to the top. To climb the thing you would sort of have to reach up and grab onto the next leaf, and sometimes you would easily be able to jump to the next one. I'm pretty good with heights, actually. I like the smell of wind. I just don't fancy falling. Fenrir didn't seem to mind them much either, it was like he was used to it. Peter, on the other hand, had the most trouble. I feel a bit sorry for him. He didn't talk at all; and when he did, it was out of fear. He still followed us up, though. I guess his determination to follow Fenrir really is something you don't want to mess with.

At the top we were instantly attempted to be arrested by cards. Now that was something I had never seen before. Cards as tall as I was, thin as paper, and talking and moving about. "In the name of the Queen!" they said. I really wonder who this queen is. They had spears and things, but in the moment of surprise, a large gust of wind blew, and they were all set off into the distance by the power of it. Cards are still cards, I suppose. The world we landed in at the top of the Pea Plant is really something else, though. It was amazing. The 'ground' wasn't soil or flooring, it was cloud. We walked on clouds. I still wonder how that manages. You could feel the clouds moving underneath you, and you could even feel the wispy characteristic of it that should normally refuse to ever hold you. But there was a point where you just walked. It was like walking on thin air. It gave me a light-headed feeling. Poor Peter must've kept up terribly.

Everything was larger than we were. Sky-scraper large. There were patches of greenery here and there, believe it or not. Most of the space we walked it was just a cloud desert. But every so often we would cross a place where it seemed as if it was a miniature tropical forest. These places were so short, but we made sure to get a drink and scavenge any food we thought we would be able to eat. Sometimes we would hear these huge sounds like thumpings and thunder, and we would crouch down like it was an earthquake. It felt like an earthquake. I asked Fenrir what it was, and he looked grim for a minute then said something I entirely did not expect; "Giants". Giants. Oh great. I never knew Giants resided on the tops of clouds. I shall think an entirely different thing when storms and rain come now. Jack must've gone far, as we haven't caught up with him today. Fenrir is sniffing him out, but says he's quite ahead. I  can almost see something large gawking in the far, far distance. I wonder what that is. It doesn't move. Like a building, almost.

The trees and tropical paradise patches are a million times bigger than I am. A sprout is the same size as Fenrir. The insects are ginormous. A dragonfly that zoomed past my head unexpectedly is the same as a flying horse. The flies are unbearable, as are the mosquitoes, which are dangerous. For dinner I used my bow and arrows to take down a slug. I confess I cooked it and ate it. Hunger does some strange things to you that you would never had thought would lead you to do such strange things. It was chewy and squishy. It didn't taste too bad, actually, when you got your mind off the smell. I still cringed a bit. We also managed to climb and let fall a giant peach. When we tried to open it though, someone came out. From the inside a fully clothed boy scrambled out. "My name is Momotaro!" he screamed and ran off talking about some demon or other. I was put out. Does all fruit have little boys in them? But we ate it all the same and are camping out. I hope I don't get eaten by some large insect or something. That would be some awfully bad luck. Peters bird hasn't had any trouble at all.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Entry #18

October 18'th, Thursday

It is amazing how a story works; everything leads to one huge conclusion, and then the end comes after it is all over and said with. Life is no story. It keeps going. Like today. I would've never had guessed. Never. A detective might have, but who really can fortell the future? We stopped by an old cottage on a poor farm, searching for directions, and the old lady who lived there begged us to find her 'Jack'. She cried and cried about how he had gone off up some bean plant (probably the one we saw yesterday) and how the queen's card soldiers had come and hacked it down before he returned. This struck me in a very special spot, and so I conceded and decided unwaveringly to find this 'Jack' despite of my own travel whims. Fenrir groaned at this, but went along with it anyways. The only way to get to Jack is if we go up the giant Pea Plant. I have figured this much out. So we're sort of traveling back a little ways to reach it. I've heard a few rumors I don't like though. About his "queen" and her ambitions. It makes me uneasy.

We met someone interesting today. He's now traveling with us. Another Peter has fallen from the sky! This one isn't a rabbit, though, and doesn't fly with Faerie Dust. A little bird travels with him wherever he goes. He jumped out at us on the trail, alarming me by waving his small gun around and screaming "I've got you now, Wolf!" Fenrir looked at him as though he was simply a dragonfly waving back and forth. Peter rushed at Fenrir, and Fenrir just pushed him down with his paw as though squishing a bug. Peter rolled and shouted under that paw, but eventually just gave up. I think it was first then that he actually noticed I was there. After some weird misunderstanding (I don't even understand what exactly went on) was talked over, he suddenly stated that he was coming with us. Fenrir let him keep his gun, and Peter kept conversation going all day. After traveling with Fenrir, I was entirely unused to it. But I talked back, and I think we've become a sort of friends despite his strange entrance. He keeps giving Fenrir some scowling looks now and then. We haven't reached the large Pea Plant yet, but I think we will tomorrow. I can see it towering in the short distance. We are camping outside again. It's strange, but fun to have another person in our group.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Entry #17

October 17'th, Wednesday

We were walking down the pathway when I saw a rather beaten up pocket watch on the ground. As I was about to pick it up, though, a furry white paw reached and grabbed it quicker than me. I looked up at the owner of the invading hand, and a large white rabbit wearing a vest stared down at me. "This is my watch, thank you very much." He said, and when he looked at it: "OH, DEAREST! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!"  He practically screamed this so that I had to hold my ears. Before I could ask if he was somehow related to Peter Rabbit, he took off in such a scurry and dust puffed up and got in my eyes. I never knew before now that there were such an abundance of talking rabbits around. The world really is full of possibilities! But meeting with another one might be tiring.

I think we are coming into a more populated area in the wood. I see more things and people traveling every day. Horses and such things and gypsy wagons. I like to see them. A man traveling with an old cow asked me if I had anything to trade for three beans. I didn't, of course. In the distance I could see a humongous plant that towered in the sky, but it disappeared by evening. I really wonder where that came from. There's another of them, actually. I can see one to my far far left. It looks like a giant pea plant, though, while the other looked like a bean plant. I wonder if it's possible it sprouted from that huge pea we saw that almost crushed us. That would make sense. Things are so weird here. Different than I could ever imagine.

I can still feel that calm before the storm staring me in the back of the head. So it wasn't today, was it? But it will sure be soon, won't it? It's like a death head. We're sleeping outside again. Things have been getting more riled up. I can tell when I look at the people(though not all of them are 'human'). They seem worried, and most of them travel in the opposite direction than us. I think we might be headed for danger, but that could just be my paranoid sense talking again. It perks up at times. We're sleeping outside again. I thought I could hear some random singing in the distance, but that could've just been my imagination. Tomorrow, again.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Entry #16

October 16'th, Tuesday

We keep traveling. Nothing much happened today, except walking that is. And yet, we did meet an egg. An egg. Yes. An egg. Standing taller and wider than I am, with a face, moustache, clothes, and a top hat. Shiny shoes. He was sitting on a wall fishing for something. I overheard him mutter something about a 'pocket watch' while we were passing by, but wow, I will never forget that. Not for the rest of my life. Now that I think about it, I should've talked to him or something. It is mighty possible that he might've been a celebrity. But..I've never really heard of an egg star. Well, what can you do? Another day of traveling and tiredness. I think we're halfway to my granny's house by now, but I truly have no idea where we are. If Fenrir wasn't with me, I'd be as lost as a button torn off it's coat. Blown by the wind. It's a good thing that he is. I have as bad a sense of direction as my sister. I think it might be a gene thing, but I really have no clue. Sleeping outside again. Tried roasting apples for supper today; pretty good! I have a sort-of feeling today is the calm before the storm, and it gets in my nerves when it's in the back of my head staring at me. I can't do anything, really, though. So, that's it! Good night! Sleep tight! And let cake fall from the sky! I'll just have to fight it when it gets here.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Entry #15

October 15'th, Monday

Bridget stayed behind in the town, saying she would wait for me to lead her back when the time came. I hope she doesn't get led off by some man, though. Goodness. Fenrir was outside the town, and we started off on the pathway again. With help from Bridget's pretty looks, we managed to subtly beg some food from some people, so my food store is complete in a backpack that I got. I'm feeling pretty good right now. Good food in my stomach is a good day; that's the rule.

It didn't become long before we came to a fork in the path though. Fenrir couldn't remember which way to go, and we were arguing when a striped cat popped up on one of the tree branches above us. "Who are you?" I asked. "Well, who are you?" The Cheshire cat asked. As you can see, he had a bit of a character. We asked him which way we should turn, and where my granny resided. "Oh, she travels about, here and there, it won't be so easy to find her, you know." he answered confusingly. I still don't understand exactly what he means. From what I know, my granny can barely walk? But we turned down the left lane, towards someone called 'March Hare', and when I looked back, the Cheshire cat alarmingly disappeared. I watched him disappear slowly from rear to head. It was weird.

It took most of the day to reach him, but the March Hare is literally a hare. He was having a tea party with a rather short man called the 'Mad Hatter'. What an odd pair. I think they really are all mad. A dormouse was sleeping all the while on the table while they threw things all around. I couldn't even talk to them. The original plan was to ask to stay there for the night, but Fenrir was growling with displeasure and I didn't really like the idea myself, so we're simply spending the night outside a little ways down a cute little river that runs alongside with the path. I took another bath again, and I'm still shivering now. The water was freezing. I'm drying my hair out carefully by the fire. Unlike my sister, whose pet name from people and fans who know her is 'Goldilocks', my hair is short and red, and usually kept in pigtail braids. I like it when it's out of the way. Speaking of pet names, I have one to, though not about hair. 'Little red riding hood', is what they call me; because I love my hood so much. I don't mind. Most people in my village have a pet name like this. I dunno why, some kind of tradition? They're all unique to. It makes for some fun games, at least. I hope it won't be too cold tonight. Well, let's see what happens tomorrow, shall we?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Entry #14

October 14'th, Sunday

I completely regret getting out of bed today. I should have just pretended I was dead. The horseman led us to the bridge crossing to the next town, and we said our goodbye's. He can't go past there. The next town is in the smack middle of the woods, which are a lot bigger than I originally thought. It feels like I'm engulfed in it. It really doesn't have any end, does it? The people in the town are actually nice. Which is strange, considering they don't like the horseman. But I think they just misunderstand him. Misunderstandings can go a nation wide.

I met my sister in the town. Bridget is my older sister a bit more spirited than I am. She dragged me all over town, showing this, showing that. Ah, I'm exhausted. She screamed at the sight of Fenrir, which bugged me. After following us around for a half an hour, he just went out of town to have a nap. His naps last hours. So I had to deal with my jumpy sister by myself, not that he would have been much help, though. Just growling the entire time. Bridget really loves shopping. It's a good thing I'm penniless. I'm sure she would find a penny if it had been in the deepest gutter in the world. She can be a pleasant girl to be around, though, if she is satisfied with her stomach. While we stopped for dinner at a shop, she told me about where she had been. Can you get this? She had been at the three bears cottage! Apparently she had been hungry, and that led her to break and entry the place while they were gone. She had slept in one of their beds, and she woke up when they came back. She ran away before they could react, though. I almost pity them; I'm sure they were more than baffled. My sister would commit any crime as long as it filled her stomach. It leaves me on edge, sometimes.

We're sleeping in town tonight. Fenrir is sleeping outside of it; waiting for us tomorrow morning. He told me he doesn't care much for people crowds. I can understand that. Being dragged around has left me feeling not too fond of them either. I am glad to see my sister, though, despite all of the pain. She left a month before I went into the woods, and we haven't seen her since. She has a terrible sense of direction, so she probably couldn't even find herself around. It's good that she's found herself in this town. I'll be setting out tomorrow. I'm grateful I get to sleep in a bed again.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Entry #13

October 13'th, Saturday

The normal days are returning at last... though just walking is entirely boring and makes you feel peckish all the time. After hearing that my granny's so far away, I feel like we're going at a snails pace. It makes me feel restless. And sleeping outside sure makes you feel stretchy in the morning. My muscles and bones hurt sometimes. It sure is getting cold, though. Freezing.

The headless horseman isn't so bad. He may be headless....but he's an okay guy! By my judgement.... A lot of people hate him in the next town, though. After seeing him eating some pumpkin pie, I just couldn't help but sit down next to him to get him to give some to me. I really am hungry all the time with just those accursed apples and mushrooms. I'm not too scared of anything crazy anymore, after what 'little novice' me has seen. He's an interesting character, though. He really likes pumpkins; more specifically, Jack O' lanterns. We stopped by his house on the way for some delicious(!) dinner, and it's practically laden with those things. Covering the roof, pathway, and windowsills. You can barely walk. He keeps them lit in the daytime too, to top it all off. People with obsessions are pretty amazing. I wonder why he didn't have a head though. I asked him at the table, but his skin turned pale(not his face, but yeah), and Fenrir told me to stop asking. He did whisper something about a 'queen', though. I wonder if there's such a person?

The horseman's horse is all black and shiny. His name is 'Shadow'. It's an appropriate name, seeing that his body really is literally made up of shadow. It looks pretty cool, like fog. But I wonder how it's possible anyone can ride him? His temperament is rather brash, though. Neighing loudly when he's hungry, glaring at you if even look at him for too long. Almost the polar opposite of the horseman, who's a bit shy. We're spending the night here tonight. I'm so happy, a real bed! It's not great, but it's wonderful to my back of an old woman right now. I laid down on it, and it really felt as if I was dreaming on a pile of clouds. Right before I jumped in at twilight, the horseman told me a story of one of his greatest embarrassments. He was riding through the wood to a local neighbor late at night, using a jack O' lantern as his light guide, when Shadow started running around in circles at something. The pumpkin came up out of his arms, and right onto his shoulders, like a giant orange head. Shadow took off, and unable to see anything, the horseman could do nothing to stop him. He heard someone screaming in front of him, but he couldn't do anything. Shadow finally stopped at a bridge, since he hates water, and the horseman was finally able to take off the pumpkin head. The person who had been screaming was Ichibod Crane; a person who later told everyone in his town about it, and who got the horseman hated even more. I think that is so unfair. If I ever meet this Crane man, I think I shall give him a piece of my mind. The reason Shadow was chasing him is unknown, though the horseman thinks it was because he just plain didn't like the look of his face. Shadow really is brash...

I really like the horseman and even Shadow, though he's a bit dark. Fenrir seems okay with him too; he didn't growl once through the entire encounter. He always growls at someone he doesn't like, so it must be safe to be here. I'm not worried anyway. This bed is really comfortable, and that dinner is a candle light in my stomach; meaning it was really good. I wonder what will happen tomorrow? I can't wait to find out.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Entry #12

October 12'th, Friday

The mornings are getting colder. Fenrir's blanket is super warm, though. I wonder where he got it? It seems a bit out-of-the-ordinary, like it was made with magic. Actually, that's probably just it. How could autumn leaves sewn together be so warm otherwise?

I'm tired, so I'll have to cut this entry short. Today was pretty normal, except that on the pathway, a moving puppet passed us by. It was moving with no-strings. It had a rather long nose, which is something you can trust me to observe in a half-second. I didn't get a better look, though, because he was simply dashing by cross-wise in a supremely fast pace. Something about him seems familiar, though. I wonder if he's one of my uncle Gep's creations? I'll have to ask him about it when I get back. If I get back. How far away is my granny's house, anyways! I would never have guessed it to take this long! I asked Fenrir today, and he told me we still have two-thirds of the journey to go! I feel like I'm going to dry up and die. When the walking ever end? And food...I'm starving. I've had to go back to apples and mushrooms again. What a farce.

We're still sleeping on the road. I hope I won't freeze tonight(though that will be non-existent with the 'special' blanket, yes?). I pull out the tin soldier every now and then to look at it. The expression in it is always the same, yet it seems to get sad and wistful to me. I wonder why? Well, that's all, good night starry world.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Entry #11

October 11'th, Thursday

I want to become a bird. Haven't you ever wanted to fly? The sky really is so blue... Sometimes I dream about it. I don't need wings, only to spread my arms is enough. The autumn red of the leaves on the trees and the sky is so beautiful it pierces me like a sword.

The wolf told me to call him "Fenrir." His character is becoming harder and harder for me to understand. We were just walking without a word through a rather pretty part of the path, and he just suddenly talked. "You would like a name, right?", "Call me Fenrir." I just nodded because it was unexpected. Why would he tell me his name now? But then I realized I had never told him my real name either. It just hadn't been thought of for some reason. So I told him. "Anne Jarnvior," I said.

The largest pea I've ever seen came rolling down a hill towards us today. It gave me quite a fright. It was as large as a boulder, and crushed several trees on its way. The impossible really is just an ordinary thing now. I expect it. It went out of sight in front of us, and after walking for several hours we came to it. At least, I think it was it. I could only see the shiny green surface of it because it landed in a marsh, but I'm pretty sure it was it. It had sprouted a tiny green sprout. Such a large seed sprouting such a tiny plant...I wonder what it will be like when it's full grown?

And that's mostly all that happened today. We didn't meet anyone else on the road today. It was a boring, relaxing, and (mostly) ordinary day. I could breathe. We're still sleeping on the ground though. It's gotten old fast. but I'm tired, so good night.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Entry #10

October 10'th, Wednesday

Today was uneventful. I'm unused to that, since the past few days have been hectic. It felt strange to simply be walking again. My legs are a little weak, and only from three days! Imagine if I had been Hansel; he had been there far longer than I had. It felt good to be able to stretch out. Enormously good. But I was faced with another dilemma. How was I going to bring up the questions I had been flipping over ever since yesterday? How did the wolf shape-shift into my arrow? How did he get there? And, finally, what is 'Fenrisulfr'? The wolf had been sulking all day, so I got the general idea that he knew it was coming. I probably didn't want the answer to my questions, despite my curiosity. So I didn't say anything in the end.

An army of rats passed us on the road while we were heading back to the river. The witch had transferred me all the way back several miles. I could feel annoyance catching up with me despite my unnatural calm disposition. Anyway, these rats were following some melody I couldn't quite see the source of. It sounded like a pipe, but I could be wrong. These rats felt like waves running over my feet, and looked like them too. They fairly climbed trees, jumping from one to the next because there wasn't enough room on the ground. They gave the wolf a large berth, though. He was growling ferociously in displeasure. I almost felt myself move involuntarily to the almost unhearable melody, which was a discomfort, but the wolf pushed me over into the dirt with his paw, and I was snapped out of it. I was covered in dust though. When we finally reached the river, all the rats had disappeared, though I think I saw a few lumps floating down the current. I think I'll ignore that for now. I hiked upstream a little bit and took the first wash I've had in ten days. I was filthy. The dirt practically rolled off me.

When I got back to the campfire(first one we've ever had), the wolf had caught a fish for me. I don't know if that was meant as an apology or a thank-you for silence, but I smiled at it all the same. When I started to gut it and cut it open, though, there was a beautiful(but rather guppy) tin soldier with only one leg. I stared at it for several minutes while my delicious fish cooked on the fire. A wonderful little statue in a blue war coat and hat. He could stand upright despite only having one leg. I was positively enraptured by it. Though he smells of fish, I have put him in my arrow bag along with this book, just for safe keeping. I'd like to find where he belongs. I have a feeling he has a life somewhere else, and I want to get him there.

It's cold tonight. I think I'll try to get the wolf to share that red blanket made of autumn leaves with me. It seems to appear and disappear at his will. It seems thin, but it keeps you really warm. Judging by the wolfs cuddly looks whenever he sleeps in it, that is. I'm freezing. The stars are really bright, though. I love the constellations. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Entry #9

October 9'th, Tuesday

Living in a cage is a filthy thing. It's cold, and when you have to go to the bathroom....well, I'm not even going to go there. I think my toes are all frozen into little blue piglets now. It's a boring business too, you just sit there waiting to get packed off and eaten. Hansel (the boy in the cage next to me) told me about himself and his sister today. What a nasty business, being abandoned by your parents like that. I doubt I would be able to stand for it; of course, Hansel is in a cage, so he has no choice but to stand for it. His sister won't leave because he's here either. I can understand that; he's the only true family she has left.

The witch is really a whacked up piece of work. She came in today just to polish her knives, chuckling the entire time about some recipe or other. It gave me a nasty cold sweat. She walked up to my cage and viewed down at me as if measuring the size of my bones. I can't describe the gaze of those eyes; it was like looking down into the very deepest abyss of fire and chaos. She didn't mutter a word to any of us; she truly just views us as food. The horse, cow, and pig are just as bored as I am. Whenever the pig sees the witch it yells "Not me!" over and over again. It gets on my nerves.

A little bit before noon I was pacing back and forth in an unhappy mood like a trapped animal(the horse,cow, and pig do that frequently) and in a burst of anger gave the door an unhappy shake. I touched the lock with my pinkie, and all at once something fell out of my hair. I bent over to pick it up, and found it was one of the rough feathers from off my arrows that I desperately wish I had. It must have broken off somehow and stuck onto my hair, but why hadn't I found it until now? It was longer than the ones I remembered too. I waved it about, amused at my brand new discovery, and to my surprise it grew red-hot and I dropped it. I watched it as it grew into an arrow.

I picked the lock with the arrow. I pulled it out once and saw that the end of it had been shaped into a key. None of the gingerbread men came out. Bewildered, I stepped out and proceeded to do the same to the other cages, whom the living in them became interested. I had freed everyone except Wendy, when the witch came stumbling running down the stairs and confronted us. She was sweating.
"Play time's over, children."
Gingerbread men appeared out of nowhere, engulfing us in a sea of fighting, kicking, and cursing. The horse kicked and neighed, while the pig squealed and ran about worthlessly. The cow mooed and stomped on them, while Hansel grabbed a dangling knife and ran at the witch screaming vengefully. The witch only smiled, and the moment where Hansel stabbed her in the stomach, she reached around and pulled Hansel's neck in line while removing the protruding knife from her stomach. She put it around Hansel's throat. We all froze. "Now," said the witch calmly. "If you don't want to see this boys blood spilled on the floor, I suggest you all turn back into those cages this instant."
A scream erupted on the stairs. Gretal.
Without thinking a split second, I threw the arrow at the witch with my bare hands with as much strength as I could muster.  It glided through the air and started to grow larger into a familiar, furry shape. The witch stood star-bound as the wolf finished its aerial leap and bit her deeply into the neck. She let out a soft gasp and let go of Hansel, backing away with her hand to a death wound that was seeping blood. It ran all the way down her arms and bosom, dripping to the floor. I can still see it in my minds eye. The gingerbread men all disappeared. "You....," the witch whispered, pale-faced with effort and shock. " are you free? Fenrisulfr!"

The wolf stood erect with eyes I've never seen before. The witch backed away to the edge of the large fireplace. It was then my attention was drawn to a small yellow dot whizzing through the air. A ginormous bonfire sprang up from the ashes, and as the witch turned in surprise, the horse snorted and hind-quartered kicked her into the flames. The witch's screams will forever give me nightmares. They echoed through-out the dungeon kitchen, high-pitched and horrible. I had to cover my ears.

Tinkerbell let Wendy out, and we all headed up the stairs and out into sunlight that it had felt ages since we had last seen. We bathed in it, while relinquishing all the events that had just happened. Wendy was certainly happy to see Tinkerbell. Gretal had hidden her instead of drowning her, in her apron pocket. She floated a jar containing a firefly instead down the river to fool the witch. A band of dirty boys snuck out of the bushes and stood looking guilty. Wendy ran over to them screaming and yelling for joy, and hugged them all. They were all dressed quite strangely. The leader of them named Peter Pan was dressed in a funny green outfit. It didn't seem to mind him though. It turns out they were the ones that had shot the sleeping darts at us. Wendy was a friend of theirs, and the witch kidnapped her, thus blackmailing them to do what she wanted. The cow and I easily forgave the bunch, but I think it will take a little time for the horse and the pig. They did endure harsh memories, after all.

We spoke rashly together until dusk. Hansel and Gretal are going with the pig and the horse back to see their village, while I watched Wendy and Peter Pan's bunch become sprinkled with Tinkerbell's Faerie Dust and fly off into the moon when it appeared nice and full. I am jealous. They call the place they're going to 'Neverland'. I wonder where that is. The Dairy cow joined them, and jumped over the moon, mooing in ecstasy. We all said our tearful goodbyes, and I believe I have made some very good friends, even if I will never see them again. I am very fond of them all. The pig did look strangely at the wolf though. I wonder what that meant.

I am once again alone with the wolf, and we are camping outside. I don't mind that so much anymore. The stars are bright and beautiful accompanying the silver bowl of a moon. It was a little awkward at first between the wolf and I, when I tried to thank him. He just sort of laid there and grunted. But that's how it usually is, so I won't think on it too much. But I wonder about what the witch called him back there. "Fenrisulfr." Is that his real name? And how did he shape-shift from my arrow? I think I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Too many things have happened, and I'm simply happy to be outside again. I'm happy to be alive.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Entry #8

October 8'th, Monday

A scratching sound came from the drain in the middle of the floor in the middle of the night, and I woke up to it in the pitch black. I could see a yellow glow coming from under the drain cover, and it illuminated the whole room. I watched as the drain twisted, lifted and a small figure flew out into the middle of the room, flitting back and forth looking for someone. It was a green-clad faerie with yellow hair. I watched in astonishment. "Tinkerbell!" the girl I had spoken to earlier whispered ferociously. "Wendy!" said the figure, and she glided over there with the sort of grace faeries are said to have. They had a conversation I didn't understand very well until later, but I think it sort of went like this:

Wendy: "Why are you here?"
Tinkerbell: "We need to get you out- Peter is in danger if we don't."
Wendy: "Danger? That doesn't make any sense!"
Tinkerbell: "He's being threatened by a beast. We have to get miss Red out too." (I was interested in this part)
Wendy: "But it was the witch that was threatening Peter- because of me! These people wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me!" (She started to cry.) 
Tinkerbell: "That's why we got to get them all out, don't you see?"
Wendy: "Why is it everything we do we become threatened by death?
And so on.

After the crying spell, Tinkerbell waved her finger in front of the cage door and it popped open with a slight crack. I was just thinking "Oh, well, that was easy," when an army of gingerbread cookies sprang from the lock on the outside of the lock and leaped on Tinkerbell like a pack of delectable wolves. The door slammed shut before Wendy could be released and a laugh echoed from the darkened steps to the far right. As Tinkerbell screamed at the ginger cookies in anger, a plump, happy looking lady stepped out and lighted a candle on the small desk standing next to her. She waved the match out, and held out the candle in front of her face. She really did not look like a child eater. She looked exactly like those kind aunts you have down the street that bring over sweets every once in a while and who let you come in and borrow films and toys. But I knew who she was when I saw her. She was definitely not our ally here.

"I was just coming to check on my chickies, and look what I found." The lady smiled agreeably. A small girl that looked like the boy in the cage next to me came out from behind her. She was scrawny and looked extremely wretched and tired. "Gretal, you know what I do to the rats." The lady waved her arm and a metal cage draped itself around Tinkerbell. "Drown it."

I couldn't watch the horrified looks on their faces. Wendy started crying again, and Tinkerbell joined in. Gretal turned pale. The witch started up the stairs. "Oh, and Gretal." She said turning around. Gretal's pale face looked up. "Don't forget what I can do to your brother if you disobey." The witch smiled sweetly and closed the door in a finality sentence. Gretal stood for a moment, then slowly went over and picked up Tinkerbell's cage. Wendy and Tinkerbell begged and made sounds of distress, but Gretal carried Tinkerbell all the way out of the room. We haven't seen her again.

That was in the early, early morning. we have been worrying all day, but nothing has done anything to clear our thoughts. We haven't seen the Gingerbread Witch or any sign of Tinkerbell since. Gretal did come back, though, and set some porridge bowls in our cages. I'm sick of porridge. We asked her and screamed at her, but she simply cast down her eyes and didn't say anything. I don't want to think right now. I expect the worse. And that was the first faerie I've ever seen! How dare they just kill her off like that! Tinkerbell did say something about a beast though. Could she have meant the wolf? I wonder if he's searching for me?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Entry #7

October 7'th, Sunday

Woke up this morning to a cookie running past my nose. It was a gingerbread man screaming a silly little rhyme. I can still remember it. "Run, run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" What stuff. I immediately started running after it after I saw it. If I had been in a normal situation where I hadn't eaten only mushrooms and apples in the last two days, I wouldn't have even lifted a finger. But that cookie smelled so good, I just couldn't help it with my growling stomach. Even if it was moving, it still sounded appetizing to me somehow. As I ran I could hear a stampede behind me, and when I looked I saw a horse, pig, and a cow running along with all their might. They soon passed me and were out of sight before I could react. I slowed down but kept going, and soon came to a large expanse of river. The stampede of animals were pawing and letting out sounds of distress on the bank. I strolled over there and looked out across the river. The gingerbread man was no where in sight. All I could see was a red-ish bob out in the distance that might have been a beaver or some other swimming animal, though truthfully, I've never seen a beaver that was red. I felt jilted for having to wake up to running, and then not even being able to have a chance to catch the mocking thing. I sighed, and started to turn around when the dairy cow next to me suddenly let out a distressing "Moo!" and fell to the ground. A whizzing sound complied, and the horse and the pig did the same. Before I knew what was happening, a third whiz came, and something hit me in the neck. I went unconscious.

By the time I woke up it was evening. I was in a kind of wooden prison cage in a dingy room that smelled so disgusting that I gagged.The only light was a single candle standing on a large wooden table, that, by the cuts on it, I assumed acted as a large cutting board. A ginormous fireplace was a bit beyond it, with a cauldron hanging on it that looked a hundred pounds. Knives of all shapes and sizes were hanging by the hilt from the ceiling. When I looked closely at the ground, I could see dark stains that reminded me uncomfortably of dried blood. The whole place was a nightmare.

A moan came from my right, and, startled, I looked over. A dirty haired boy that looked a few years younger than me was curled up tight with his knees hiding his face. His clothes were in tatters. I scraped my way over to the edge of my cage closest to him. "Where are we? Why are we in cages? What's going to happen to us?" were questions I all asked, but the boy resumed his moaning and groaning, and didn't think to answer me. I could see other cages beyond his that held the horse, the pig, the cow, and another girl I didn't recognize with a blue dress and curled brown hair all pulled back by a ribbon. All of the others were still asleep except the boy and the girl, who was sitting with a sad look on her face. We must have been hit by some sort of sleeping dart. "Psst!" I whispered loudly over to the girl. The girl looked at me and stood up with her face between the wood bars. "What's going on here?" I asked her. The girl looked at me with that sad look on her face that really did not look very nice on her. "Where are we?" I tried again.
The girl finally opened her mouth. " Have you heard of the Gingerbread Witch?"
"No," I answered.
"She's a witch that lives in a gingerbread house and eats people." 
"Well, mostly children, but any animal will do."
"We're in her basement."
 The girl turned her head toward her feet and stared at them. I was horrified.
"You mean..."
She sat back down and turned her face away as a sign she didn't want to talk any longer. I was left to my own devices of shock. I stumbled over to a pile of hay and laid down on it. A witch that eats people? That was crazy. But I knew it was true. The girl had not lied, and the place I was in was proof enough. I started tearing up. I was too young to be eaten. I hadn't even had a proper adventure yet! Perhaps the wolf would save us.
I sat up as I thought it, but soon dropped back down. The wolf didn't even know where we were. I had run after that gingerbread man without even thinking to tell him. I really am an idiot. A moving gingerbread cookie? Of course it was a trap. A trap set up by a gingerbread witch that eats children. This really was the most ridiculous thing I'd gotten into yet. I laughed even as I cried. I am not going to accept being eaten by some cookie witch as my death though. Not yet, anyhow.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Entry #6

October 6'th, Saturday

It was puddly when we went outside from the tower. It was a bit chilly, but refreshingly so. Still, it's a good thing I brought my red hood with me. It's my favorite thing to wear; being warm and cuddly. I love it after rain, the smell just comes off the damp earth and smells so clean I can't help it. There's still no food though. Ugh, I'm starving. Why is there only mushrooms and apples available? I did something different with them today, though. I roasted them on the evening fire. It did make a difference, since it felt good to have warm food go into my stomach, but like I thought, it's still apples and mushrooms.

Nothing much happened today. I always notice something strange in my day, though. This time it was rather slimy. We were passing by a marsh pond, and I happened to glance over there and notice a blonde lady in a long, pinkish dress kneeling in the mud. I thought this was a little strange, so I started to walk over there, but just as I was watching, she picked up a large frog and planted a serious kiss on it. I froze when I saw it. When she removed her lips from the frog's, a large string of green slime stretched onto hers. Let me just tell you, it was vile. She looked at the frog disappointedly, and then proceeded to pick up another one. I took my steps backwards as fast as I could, because, even now I think she might be a little wrong in the head. What kind of people are in these woods anyways?

We passed a little farther on the path, and in the distance I saw a glass casket. I could guess whose it was without having to check. A tall, brown-haired dude was leaning over it, and I'm almost certain he was kissing the corpse of Snow White. What's with today?! Is it kiss-a-mania day, or something? Are people that desperate to kiss, that they would do that with a frog and a corpse? I am appalled. I did see someone rise out of the casket, though, so maybe the kiss was 'magical' or something. Who am I joking?! As if something that contained spit could be magical! My head is burning up...

The wolf is just as silent as ever. We're spending the night outside again. Now I wish I was back in the tower. That bed was pretty comfortable. Even the bear family had some good cushion. Not that I would want to go back there, though. And that's pretty much all for today. Perhaps with sleep I can forget all of the weird things I saw today.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Entry #5

October 5'th, Friday

I woke up in the middle of the night to the wolf pushing me off the bed with his head. It was a "ker-plunk" like an apple falling off the tree. If you've ever been pushed off the bed, you know it's not a good way to wake up. I was disoriented all over. The wolf picked me up with his teeth like I was some kind of cub, and just as we were jumping through the door, I had at least the presence of mind to reach out and grab my bow and quiver that I had left leaning there. The basket had to be left behind. I put this book in my arrow bag, so this was salvaged as well.

The wolf rushed through the cottage, and amazingly mama bear met us in the hallway with her hair bristling and teeth showing. I think this was when I realized what was going on. A scary mama bear is scary. The wolf simply jumped over her. These creatures really are huge. Papa bear was at the front door and he threw a something heavy at us(I can't remember because it was so dark), but we dodged and somehow managed to get past to the outside. I held onto the wolfs back, and I remember looking back at one of the windows. Baby bear had watched us go.

The wolf told me later that they had planned to eat me. I think this betrayal of the bears shook me up to reality. I was quiet most of the day we traveled. I think I've been a fool most of the time. If the wolf wasn't there I would've been their sandwich meat by now. Who knows what else is out there? And I lost the basket. I don't really have any reason to travel anymore. And yet I'm not going to give it up. I know that from deep inside me. I really don't know why I'm so stubborn. Is it genes?

Food has once again become a problem. Today all I ate was mushrooms we picked off the forest floor(the wolf sniffed out the bad ones), and apples I grabbed on the way. You can get sick of things like this. I don't think apples will still be my favorite fruit once I start eating normally again.

It started raining late in the afternoon, and we started to look around for shelter. There was a large tower in the short distance that we could see, so we headed for that. There was ivy climbing up all its walls like a kind of magic barrier. The wolf swiped at some with his claws and there was a rotting door behind it. A really long spiral staircase led to a small room that had been abandoned for some time. There was dust everywhere, and cobwebs strung across the corners. There was a single window. I cleaned up a bit since we would stay the night here, and came across the strangest hairs. Extremely long flaxen hair strings were lying about here and there, glittering like a web in dew. I got the feeling that someone lived here a long time ago and that the room was very personal. I almost felt like I was intruding. But sleeping in an old bed in a high abandoned tower is much better than sleeping outside in the rain. After I cleaned up, the room was beautiful. The carpet is red-gold, and has a unique sign of a dragon. There is a small wooden desk and chair in the corner that I'm using now to write this. The bed is spacious and cozy, though a bit moth-bitten. I'm excited to sleep in it. After sleeping outside, I've learned the comfort of a bed. It's wondrous. Well, goodnight.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Entry #4

October 4'rth, Thursday

Traveling is actually a more boring business than it sounds right off the bat. At least for me. The wolf and I just walk. And walk. And walk some more. It all consists of walking. It exhausts me. The autumn leaves are beautiful though. I'll watch them as they flutter to the ground in graceful arcs like faeries. I haven't actually seen a faerie yet. I'm looking forward to it, as they usually hide deep in woods like these away from the populace. They're shy, as I understand it.

Today was a moderate day. We just walked. Granny's house is farther away than I could've ever imagined. Mostly the only thing that needs mentioning is the fact that I met a family of three bears today. They were very accommodating. Get this, they live in a cottage. We're staying the night here. At the moment I'm extremely glad mama sent me on this journey. I don't believe she sent me to really give my granny a basket of treats. I think it was mostly for an adventure, though truthfully, I don't really know. My mother can be especially flamboyant, but her real talent lies in hush-hush of secrecy. The bears gave me porridge that smelled heavenly. I ate it in record time. They offered some to the wolf, but he refused. I can hardly say I'm surprised; I've never seen him eat anything. Now come to think on it, I don't know what he eats. Now I want to know.

After the porridge I was super sleepy and they led me upstairs to a small, secluded room separate from the large one they all sleep in. Baby bear is as big as I am. He seems shy, though. At the wooden dinner table he kept glancing up and down again at me. Papa and Mama bear kept sneaking looks at the wolf, too. The wolf just growled. He's sleeping on the floor next to me. I wonder what's got him so. Ever since we entered the cottage he's been in a foul mood. Black. I asked him about it, but he just turned his head away from me and ignored me. As usual. Ah, well, I'm tired of thinking. A sweet smell of raspberries is coming in through the window and I feel incredibly tired listening to the lull of the wind-chimes outside. I think I might want some wind-chimes outside my house when I grow up and have children. What am I saying? I'm so tired...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Entry #3

October 3'rd, Wednesday

Woke up this morning....had a huge headache. The wolf grumbled at me and we started down the trail as I ate my meager breakfast; an apple(from a different tree). I had my bow slung over my shoulders, along with my quiver, and the treats I was trusted with. I personally don't think they'll be that great tasting anymore after several days like this. What was mama thinking?

Being with the wolf is incredibly awkward; after all, he's just always silent unless he finds something that displeases him. And when he does, he doesn't talk, he just growls. I'm still half-way afraid of him, but the other half disappeared when today he rushed after a rabbit for his lunch. He came back empty pawed, and I thought nothing of it until later in the evening. I was literally starving, and we came to rest wordlessly on a small little corner of the path where there was a log to sit on. With a feeling of finality, I opened the flap to my basket to eat some of the sweets. Piled on top of the sweet stuff, there was a bunch of vegetables and fruit. I was surprised, where in the world did they come from? Who managed to sneak them into my basket without myself even noticing it? I glanced around uncomfortably, and noticed a small fluff ball in the brush next to me. I pinched it, and a small "eep!" exploded into the vacant conversation. It was a small cream-colored rabbit.
It could talk.

I suppose I shouldn't have been as shocked as I was at this. I mean, didn't I have a giant speaking wolf traveling with me right at that moment? Yes, I did, but somehow the wolf didn't feel like an animal despite all this. It was almost like he was a magnificent person in a large, furry coat. This rabbit felt like an entirely new phenomena altogether. I watched as it climbed into my lap and pointed its nose in the direction of the 'mostly-carrots' basket. "For you," it said with watery eyes at being pinched. It was so cute. "Why?" I asked. Peter(that was his name) swung his perfect-sized head in the direction of the wolf(who was watching with mild annoyance), and pulled down my ear. "The king caught me today, but let me go when I cried. So I wanted to do something to show my thanks, but he's scary, so I chose you instead. It seemed like you were with him anyways." The wolf growled, and Peter gave one single terrified look and bolted away. It felt like my whole heart was wrenched away. It was so cute.

I had a pretty easy supper, although it was all produce. The wolf was sulking the entire time; I could see it in his shoulders. It made me laugh because it reminded me so much of my uncle Gep when he couldn't fix a toy that had snapped, or something. I'm afraid my happy manner made the wolf sulk even more. What a funny character he is. We're spending the night under the stars again.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Entry #2

October 2'nd, Tuesday

I woke up this morning without so much as a kink or sore in my body. Those funny little beds really are comfortable. After a small breakfast of oatmeal was served, I asked Doc(the one with the glasses) if there was any such luck to find a guide. He looked blank for a second, but he soon brightened up again(like dwarfs tend to do with their eyes) and told me about one of their neighbor friends that might help. The wolf, yes?

All of the dwarfs led me to a large apple tree together. I was struck by the apple tree, which gave an incredible sense of ill-brooding, and towered above the other trees so much to make itself seem almost like a green sky-scraper full of red polka-dots littering the sky like dark Christmas lights on a Halloween night. I could tell just by looking at it that this was where the bad apple that hit Miss Snow badly in the stomach had its origin. The apple's themselves were beautiful, and looking at them I kept remembering involuntarily the word 'vampire'. The monsters were like that, after all. Beautiful on the outside, rotten inwards. A bit like my school teacher back home.

I was so enthralled by the tree that I didn't notice the ginormous shape underneath it until it moved. The wolf had been lying asleep underneath a blanket sewn of autumn leaves, and rose its head out of it when a twig snapped underneath my foolish feet. It gave me a nasty fright; his head is nearly as big as a heavy oak door! The dwarfs all immediately kneeled, even Grumpy did, and Doc asked whether he would accept 'babysitting' me or not. I felt entirely ridiculous; standing there in front of this magnificent beast asking such an idiotic thing of him. The wolf had to bend down to peer at me. This was even worse because his eyes were entirely black and it felt as though he was staring into my very soul. It was like I was frozen. But to my amazement, he agreed. The dwarfs all let out a sigh of relief, and they left me there with a single "goodbye!" and promptly scampered off. I practically felt abandoned.

The wolf dug out of his leaf cover and gave me a silver bow and arrow quiver with his teeth. "If you're traveling with me, then you must be able to protect yourself. Don't expect me to do that for you." I stared dumbly at him. "Shoot at least fifty apples from the tree by the end of the day, or I'm not taking you." He finished. I watched him as he nestled back into his leaves and fell back asleep.

And that's how I spent my day. Shooting poisonous apples off one giant tree with poisonous glares towards them and the relaxing beast. I managed to do it though. I've had a few lessons in archery by a few people near my town here and there. Still, not very consistent lessons. I probably missed over two-thirds the shots I made. And the worst part was that I only had twenty-four arrows; I had to climb up, over, and down to get them back. I have plenty of scratches and bruises riddling my body. At the end of the day I must have been so exhausted that I simply fell asleep near the wolf without even any dinner. And that was simply one more day in my tiring life.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Entry #1

October 1'st, Monday

Today mama sent me out of the house with a basket full of apple and cherry pie, raspberry filled doughnuts, pink-frosted cupcakes, and jam smeared cookies. I must tell you, it made my mouth water. She sent me on a mission to my granny's house as a delivery girl, under strict orders not to even think about opening the flap to the basket. Well, we shall see about that a little farther down the road. I have never met my grandma before, so I wasn't exactly disheartened to have to go see her, but traveling in the woods for several days all alone makes me anxious a bit. I have a paper map drawn out by mama, but you should never underestimate my horrible sense of direction. I've managed to get lost from our front door to the mailbox, and that was in full daylight. I'm going to have to sleep in the woods for several nights in a row. It's a little scary to think about it.

I didn't meet anyone on the road today, though I did notice some bread crumbs scattered about on the ground. What a curious thing to do. Was whoever dropping them trying to lead the birds somewhere? They were certainly eating them though. There was a whole gazillion of them, pecking and squawking at each other. I had to watch them for a while, since the variety was so entirely different among them. I saw a phoenix, a small red hen, another hen with an acorn stuck on it's head, a very large goose, a beautiful swan, pigeons, turtledoves, a blue bird, and all manner of ordinary birds that make one happy to see them. It was a spectacle. When night came on the wood was dark with shadows, and it scared me half to death to be walking out there by myself. I kept hearing sounds that never revealed themselves. Luckily, I came upon a funny little hut that housed seven little dwarfs with funny little names. They're letting me stay with them for the night. Apparently there used to be another pretty lady that lived here, but she died after eating a bad apple, and is in a glass casket somewhere out there in the forest. I wonder if I'll see it on the way. I would like to see her, but I'm still not too keen on what she might smell like. And dead bodies never mixed with me.
I'll be setting out tomorrow, hopefully with some new food and a kind of guide.